Multistakeholder Dialogues

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
In 2016, Myanmar was identified by the Voluntary Principle on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) as one of three countries for an In-country Pilot Implementation Group (now renamed In-Country Working Group). MCRB has agreed to act as Secretariat to support the establishment of the Group.
Read more: Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights -
Disability and Business
MCRB has been working with other partners such as the international Labour Organisation, AAR Japan, and the Myanmar Federation for People With Disabilities as well as strategic partner business disability international (bdi) to promote a dialogue on how business can be more inclusive of people with disabilities as an employer and service provider.
Read more:
Workshop to Consult Government Departments on the Draft Handbook on Employment of Persons with Disabilities - August 23, 2018
Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Promoting Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities
Useful Resources: Disability -
Digital Rights Forum
MCRB has been working with civil society organisations, business and government to raise awareness of digital rights issues in Myanmar and relevant regulation and business practice. With Phandeeyar, MIDO, and Free Expression Myanmar, we have co-hosted four Digital Rights Forums in 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Thilawa SEZ Multistakeholder Advisory Group
A Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group (MSAG), chaired by Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business in pursuit of its ‘dialogue’ objective, was formed in 2015 to advise on the implementation of the Thilawa SEZ Phase 1 project and in particular the income restoration programme... Read more -
Responsible Business Seminars
Workplace Dialogue is Essential to Prevent Disputes - September 13, 2018
Responsible Business Seminar Series kicks off with a discussion of ‘due diligence’ - July 10, 2018
Meeting Between MCRB, International Investors and Myanmar Investment Commission to Discuss Responsible Investment in Myanmar - June 22, 2018