Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights - Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)
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Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights

In 2016, Myanmar was identified by the Voluntary Principle on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) as one of three countries for an In-country Pilot Implementation Group (now renamed In-Country Working Group). MCRB has agreed to act as Secretariat to support the establishment of the Group.

The VPSHR is a multi-stakeholder global initiative established in 2000 designed to guide companies in maintaining the safety and security of their operations within an operational framework that encourages respect for human rights.

The Voluntary Principles are available here in EN and MM, together with a short Factsheet in EN and MM, and further detail about the In-Country Working Group (EN and MM)

An online training course about the VPSHR is available (English only).

While the VPSHR is designed specifically for extractive industries, it is of wider application. The Principles have been incorporated by the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) into a Good Practice Handbook on Use if Security Forces: Assessing and Managing Risks and Impacts (published February 2017) which supports the implementation of their Performance Standard 4, which relates to Community Health, Safety and Security for private sector investments.

Meetings of the Myanmar In-Country Working Group of the Voluntary Principles Initiative


    9 February 2022

    The In-Country Working Group (ICWG) held its eighth meeting online on 9 February 2022. The main topics for discussion were the MCRB study on private security companies, the future of the ICWG and discussion of the current security situation.

    The ICWG approved the baseline assessment on the private security company (PSC) sector begun in 2020 with supplementary funding from the Voluntary Principles Association. This was published on 17 February 2022.

    The group discussed the future of the ICWG in the light of changes to ICWG member in country presence since the coup, and the suspension of all non-essential contact with the military authorities and bodies connected to them, such as the Human Rights Commission. In January 2022, the most active corporate members, TOTAL, Chevron and Woodside, announced their intention to withdraw from Myanmar.

    In view of the lack of critical mass of VPI corporate or civil society members remaining in Myanmar the ICWG took the decision was taken to end the group in its current form. It was agreed that work on security and human rights, including PSCs, will continue as part of wider MCRB activity with business and civil society, particularly Myanmar companies, and beyond extractives. This recognizes the increased importance of heightened human rights due diligence relating to security and human rights risks, including in sectors such as manufacturing, retail and banking.

    The VPSHR will be a reference point for this work, along with other international standards such as the UN Guiding Principles and the work of ICoCA. MCRB will maintain contact with the VPI Secretariat, seek their guidance on any areas of VPI expertise, and remain connected to the wider network of country level groups with an interest in security and human rights, and is available as a source of advice for any VPI stakeholder with an interest in Myanmar.


    18 May 2018

    The inaugural Steering Committee meeting of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Myanmar In-Country Working Group was held at MCRB on 18 May 2018, co-chaired by the UK Embassy and TOTAL, and attended by 16 VPI members and observers including government, company and NGO representatives. The Committee discussed issues raised in the Scoping Report, which they approved. The Committee finalised a list of proposed activities for 2018. Members also shared information about their VPSHR related activity in-country and engaging relevant stakeholders.


    31 January 2019

    The 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Myanmar In-Country Working Group was held at MCRB on 31 January 2019, co-chaired by the UK Embassy and TOTAL, and attended by 17 VPI members and observers including government, company and NGO representatives. The Committee met with an NGO delegation from the Fund for Peace and Socios Peru who are preparing lessons learned and good practices from seven Voluntary Principles in-country implementation groups’ experiences to date. The Committee discussed and agreed on a list of proposed activities for 2019 and agreed to approve the 2018 Activity Report.


    15 August 2019

    The 3rd Steering Committee was held on 15 August 2019 at MCRB and co-chaired by Switzerland and TOTAL. Sixteen members of the Voluntary Principles Initiative from governments (Embassies), companies and NGO representatives attended. Details about 2019/2020 activities were discussed, with a particular focus on outreach to government, Parliament and to non-VPSHR member companies in both oil and gas, and mining. There was also discussion about the draft Petroleum Law, and the value of the VPSHR as a basis for engagement with government, including the Committee for Oversight of Security Companies, and other stakeholders for offshore gas, including in Southern Rakhine State.


    20 January 2020

    The 4th Steering Committee meeting of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) Myanmar In-Country Working Group was held at MCRB on 20 January 2020, co-chaired by Switzerland and TOTAL, attended by 15 participants from Embassies, companies and NGOs. The Committee mainly discussed how the VPSHR in Myanmar could work on the question of private security companies, following the meeting in November 2019 with the Deputy Home Minister, and in December with the Private Security Services Association.


    26 May 2020

    The 5th Steering Committee meeting was held online on 26 May 2020, co-chaired by Australia (the incoming VPSHR chair globally) and TOTAL, and attended by 20 participants from Embassies, companies and NGOs. The Committee mainly discussed the ‘Study to enhance regulation of Private Security Companies in Myanmar: enhancing protection and respect for human rights’ which is being undertaken by MCRB together with expert consultant Niels Huby (see Background Information: English | Myanmar).


    6 October 2020

    The 6th Steering Committee was held online on 6 October 2020, co-chaired by Australia and TOTAL, and attended by 22 participants from embassies, companies, and international organisations. Participants primarily discussed interim findings of the ongoing study on ‘Enhancing protection and respect for human rights through regulation of private security companies (PSCs) in Myanmar’, and next steps. Members of the ICoCA Secretariat presented on ICoCA’s work which complements the study on PSCs.


    21 January 2021

    The 7th meeting was held online on 21 January 2021, co-chaired by Australia and TOTAL, and attended by 31 participants from embassies, companies, and international organisations. The annual report for 2019 and 2020 was agreed. Participants discussed the draft report on the private security sector in Myanmar: Enhancing Protection and Respect for Human Rights by Private Security Companies in Myanmar: A Baseline Study, Human Rights Risk Assessment and Recommendations, and next steps in stakeholder consultation. Participants also raised topical issues, shared updates on their field studies and risk assessments, and discussed the need for greater exchange between Myanmar/foreign organisations working on conflict/peace and companies investing in conflict affected areas. The group agree to change its name from Steering Committee to In-Country Working Group to align with guidance in the December 2020: Framework Partnership for ICWGs from the VPI Secretariat.


Activity Reports of the Myanmar In-Country Working Group

Latest News related to the Voluntary Principles

The meeting was an opportunity to learn more about Myanmar’s plans to introduce a new law to regulate private security companies.

On 22 Nov 2019, members of the Myanmar In-Country Steering Committee on the Voluntary Principles for Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) made an introductory call on the Myanmar Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

The workshop was co-hosted by MCRB in its capacity as Secretariat to the in-country Steering Group of the VPSHR.

Around 30 participants, mostly from civil society organisations from Mandalay and Sagaing Regions, Karen, Kayah, and Eastern and Southern Shan States, discussed concerns about community-company relations and security issues related to mining.

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