MCRB to partner with the 2020 Doing Good Index

MCRB has signed an MoU with the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) in which MCRB will be the research partner for Myanmar for the second edition of the Doing Good Index 2020 (DGI2020) to be published in January 2020.
CAPS is an action-oriented research and advisory organisation committed to improving the quantity and quality of private social investment in Asia.
In 2018, CAPS produced a multi-country comparative study on policy and environmental factors affecting the giving and receiving of philanthropy in Asia known as the ‘Doing Good Index 2018’. The first Doing Good Index examined the enabling environment for philanthropy and private social investment across 15 Asian economies. Composed of four areas – tax and fiscal policy, regulatory regimes, socio-cultural ecosystem, and government procurement – the Index discloses how Asian economies are boosting philanthropic giving.
MCRB has volunteered to partner with the Index due to its interest in corporate governance, particularly concerning philanthropic giving by companies and related issues concerning business integrity, tax and transparency. MCRB also has an interest in using the DGI process to clarify Myanmar’s regulatory framework for social enterprises, which under the 2017 Companies Law are now able to register as companies limited by guarantee. However, tax treatment for those organisations and those that contribute to them remains unclear. The DGI is an opportunity to build links with other Asian countries and learn from their experiences.
As an in-country partner, MCRB is responsible for research and data collection, which will be carried out through a survey for Social Delivery Organisations (SDOs) which can include civil society organisations, NGOs and not-for-profit companies and social enterprises. Expert consultations will be held in January 2019.
CAPS will analyse the data and compare it with other Asian economies, publishing the report in early 2020. The Index serves as a unique and useful body of data for Asian governments, as well as for non-profits, foundations and charities in Asia, to learn from each other.
Myanmar was already covered by the first DGI survey in 2018. The country scored low due to lack of relevant laws and regulations governing the sector, particularly concerning individual or corporate charitable giving. SDOs find what regulation there is difficult to understand. DGI2020 will show if the regulatory and enabling environment has improved in Myanmar and how the country fares compared to its Asian neighbours.
Comparison table – DGI2018
As a new country partner of CAPS, MCRB attended CAPS’s partners workshop on DGI2020 on 1-2 November in Bangkok. The workshop focused on the preparation for the upcoming DGI2020 survey, and CAPS’ partners from 16 Asian countries had the opportunity to offer their feedback on the upcoming survey and share in-country experiences for non-profits.
Please contact if you are interested in participating in the survey or would like to know more.