Anti-Corruption Scores Have Improved Under the NLD Government

On 30 September, Vicky Bowman gave a talk on ‘Corruption and Business in Myanmar – what needs to change?’ at Parami Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences as part of their Leadership talk series.
Vicky highlighted how Myanmar’s performance in global corruption indexes had improved since 2012, and in particular the significant improvement in most corruption scores under the 2016 World Bank Enterprise Survey (conducted Nov 2016-April 2017) – slides 13 and 14 of presentation. However the construction sector remained a cause for concern regarding corruption, both in Myanmar, and in AsiaPacific more generally, with slightly worsening scores in recently years.
Vicky’s talk identified further action, primarily by government, and focussed on more transparent, simplified approvals processes and reduced red tape as the most important steps to further improve the business climate and reduce corruption. Businesses should take both individual and collective action, in line with Principle 10 of the UN Global Compact. An active civil society and media holding government and businesses to account was also essential. She highlighted the continued inclusion of cognisable offences for criminal defamation in the amended Telecoms Law as a block to effective investigative journalism.
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- ‘Tone from the Top’ is Essential in Combatting Corruption
- Combatting Corruption in the Private Sector – Regional and Myanmar Developments
- Workshop on Building Business Integrity Co-Hosted by MCRB and UNODC
- Good Governance Toolkit for Myanmar Businesses: A Handbook for Resisting Corruption and Working with Integrity