MCRB Presents Responsible Business Basics at the Mon State Parliament

On 13 July, Aung Kyaw Soe and Hlaing Min Oo of MCRB presented at the “Project Planning and Project Management in Financial Workshop” held at the Mon State Hluttaw Hall in Mawlamyine organized by National Enlightenment Institute (NEI).
Around 90 participants attended, including chairperson Daw Tin Ei of Mon State Hluttaw, and members of the Hluttaw (Parliament), government officials, businesspeople, and civil society organisations from Mon State.
MCRB’s presentations focused on what a responsible business is, the legal framework for responsible business in Myanmar, and how a ‘creating shared value’ approach can benefit both the business and local communities in Mon State. They stressed the need for a clear and consistent legal framework to support responsible business and the importance of transparency, particularly around permitting. Their presentations covered the Myanmar Investment Commission process and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and other relevant permitting processes.
Presentations covered the purpose and process of an EIA, and the different phases such as scoping of key issues, identifying potential impacts, analysing alternatives, data gathering, and monitoring, as well as the minimum legal requirements for consultation and meaningful public participation.
Aung Kyaw Soe also presented key findings from MCRB’s Mining Sector Wide Impact Assessment, published in March 2018, including an overview of the legal framework for mining, as well as the SWIA’s recommendations to government. Although Mining SWIA field research did not include Mon State, key findings from other field locations, particularly limestone quarrying, are relevant to Mon State. Hlaing Min Oo outlined the main elements of responsible investment in plantation agriculture, including the legal process for investment, common impacts, challenges, and recommendations for business and government to support responsible large-scale agriculture in Myanmar.