Myanmar Parliament Passes Tourism Law

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) has conducted a Sector Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA) highlighting the issues and the challenges of the Tourism Industry.
In our SWIA, MCRB has provided recommendations for all relevant stakeholders to support the development of responsible and sustainable tourism in Myanmar. One of the recommendations that we gave to the government was to build a proper legal framework, which will promote responsible tourism and also the development of Myanmar Tourism Industry.
In addition, MCRB had worked with partner organisations such as Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Myanmar Responsible Tourism Institute, and CBT Network to host multi-stakeholder Conferences on Communities and Tourism. With the experience from all these activities for Tourism Development, MCRB submitted feedback on the draft Tourism Law and presented to the Bill Committee of Phyithu Hluttaw. Partnering with partner organisations, MCRB has worked closely with relevant stakeholders to improve the legal framework for the tourism sector and to pass concrete tourism law in Myanmar.
Download MCRB’s feedback on the draft Tourism Law, the Final Tourism Law an unofficial English translation of the law, and the bilingual version of the Final Tourism Law.
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