MCRB holds first workshop on “Anti-Corruption Programmes” for Myanmar businesses - သတင်းစဉ်
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MCRB holds first workshop on “Anti-Corruption Programmes” for Myanmar businesses

The free workshop was open to all Myanmar businesses interested in improving their anti-corruption programmes.
The free workshop was open to all Myanmar businesses interested in improving their anti-corruption programmes.

On Tuesday, 23 September, MCRB hosted a half-day workshop on “Anti-Corruption Programmes” for Myanmar businesses in Yangon. The workshop, held in collaboration with Spectrum – a Yangon-based sustainable development knowledge network - was the first in a series of events to follow-up on the Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises (TiME) report and build business capacity in the area of anti-corruption and human rights.

The free workshop, which was open to all Myanmar businesses interested in improving their anti-corruption programmes, was targeted at senior or middle management, especially those working in human resources, compliance, finance or corporate relations. It was attend by 58 employees of businesses, some of whom were featured in the TiME report.

Speakers included Vicky Bowman, Director of the MCRB, and David Allan, Director of Spectrum, as well as Yadana Su Hlaing, Managing Director of SMART Technical Services Pte Ltd. Their presentations and discussions covered the following key points:

  • TiME project, corruption and the UN Global Compact Principle 10

  • Corruption context in Myanmar and approaches elsewhere in ASEAN

  • SMART’s experience of implementing an anti-corruption strategy

  • Best practice for anti-corruption (introduction to Transparency International’s business principles), including commitments to anti-corruption; codes of conduct and anti-corruption programmes; training programmes; gifts, hospitality and expenses; facilitation payments; whistleblowing; political contributions.

Presentations are available below. Participants shared their views and experiences of corruption and effective mitigation strategies.

MCRB will organise further workshops on human rights policies, reporting and grievance mechanisms in October and November. Please contact MCRB if you are a Myanmar business interested in attending.

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