Briefing Paper on Civil Society Organisations and the Extractives Industries in Myanmar - Useful Resources
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Briefing Paper on Civil Society Organisations and the Extractives Industries in Myanmar

This paper draws on work undertaken for MCRB’s Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA) on Oil and Gas and MCRB’s ongoing engagement with civil society.
This paper draws on work undertaken for MCRB’s Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA) on Oil and Gas and MCRB’s ongoing engagement with civil society.

MCRB has published a briefing paper on civil society organisations (CSOs) and the extractives industries in Myanmar which is intended to support meaningful engagement between companies and CSOs who are focussed on oil,  gas and mining.

Briefing Paper on Civil Society Organisations and the Extractives Industries in Myanmar
Document PDF, 1939 downloads, အောက်တိုဘာ 13, 2014
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