Briefing Paper on ‘Children‘s Rights and Business’ - Useful Resources
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Briefing Paper on ‘Children‘s Rights and Business’

 This Briefing Paper aims to provide guidance to foreign and Myanmar companies on what children’s rights mean in the context of doing business in Myanmar.
This Briefing Paper aims to provide guidance to foreign and Myanmar companies on what children’s rights mean in the context of doing business in Myanmar.
Briefing Paper: Children’s Rights and Business in Myanmar
Document PDF, 5100 downloads, မေ 11, 2017
Briefing Paper (MY): Children’s Rights and Business in Myanmar
Document PDF, 1027 downloads, မေ 11, 2017

The paper focusses on the role of business in respecting and supporting children’s rights.  It aims to provide guidance to foreign and Myanmar companies on what children’s rights mean in the context of doing business in Myanmar. 

The Briefing Paper uses the framework of the ten ‘Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP)’, developed by UNICEF, the UN Global Compact and Save the Children. MCRB has put these into a Myanmar context, including an analysis of relevant Myanmar laws as well as international standards.

In compiling the recommendations in the paper, MCRB held a consultation attended by foreign and Myanmar businesses, child rights experts, NGOs working with children, and UN agencies. The paper is accompanied by a list of relevant ‘linked initiatives’ concerning children’s rights and business which are being undertaken by other organisations in Myanmar.

Linked Initiatives: Children’s Rights and Business in Myanmar
Document PDF, 1698 downloads, မေ 11, 2017

In the Media:

Businesses should ask themselves how they affect children: MCRB - Myanmar Times, 16 May 2017

Press Release (MY): Businesses in Myanmar should ask themselves how they impact children’s rights »

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