Presentation at the Britain-Burma Society - သတင္းမီဒီယာစင္တာ
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Presentation at the Britain-Burma Society

The Britain-Burma Society was founded in 1957 to  foster friendship and understanding between British people interested in Burma (Myanmar) and Burmese people.
The Britain-Burma Society was founded in 1957 to foster friendship and understanding between British people interested in Burma (Myanmar) and Burmese people.

Vicky Bowman gave a talk on the work of MCRB to the Britain-Burma Society in London on 31 March, and the landscape for responsible business in Myanmar.

The Britain-Burma Society was founded in 1957 to  foster friendship and understanding between British people interested in Burma (Myanmar) and Burmese people, especially the encouragement of cultural and social relations between the two countries. 

The Society holds about six meetings a year  in London with speakers on a variety of subjects related to Myanmar.

Promoting Responsible Business in Burma - Presentation by Vicky Bowman
Document PDF, 735 downloads, ဧၿပီ 02, 2015
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