Summary of Consultation Meetings on the Draft Myanmar ICT Sector-Wide Impact Assessment - သတင္းမီဒီယာစင္တာ
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Summary of Consultation Meetings on the Draft Myanmar ICT Sector-Wide Impact Assessment

This report summarises the discussions and recommendations made during the consultations by business, government, academic and civil society participants.
This report summarises the discussions and recommendations made during the consultations by business, government, academic and civil society participants.

MCRB held consultations on a draft sector-wide impact assessment on Myanmar's ICT sector on the 17th and 18th June 2015 in Yangon and 22nd June in London.

This report summarises the discussions and recommendations made during the consultations by business, government, academic and civil society participants.

Summary of Consultation Meetings on the Draft Myanmar ICT Sector-Wide Impact Assessment
Document PDF, 802 downloads, ဇူလိုင္ 31, 2015
International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies
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International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies
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Photo: Thor Jorgen Udvang

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