Companies Discuss the Challenges of Doing Business Responsibly in SouthEast Myanmar

MCRB, Peace Nexus and Kaw Lah Foundation co-hosted a workshop on Responsible Business in Hpa-An, Kayin State, on 3-4 March, 2016. The workshop brought together representatives of around 13 companies from the area as well as staff of Kaw Lah Foundation.
MCRB highlighted the characteristics of responsible business conduct, including obeying the law, paying taxes, respecting human rights and the environment etc. Companies discussed the challenges of conducting their business responsibly particularly when dealing with Myanmar's uncertain and incomplete legal framework and governance problems. Discussions focussed on challenges in construction, tourism and plantations.
The importance of stakeholder engagement and transparency was underlined, particularly in a post-conflict context. By adopting good community engagement practices and understanding how to reduce negative environment and social impacts, businesses can avoid conflict with those who might be affected by their operations, and ensure everybody benefits from business growth.
To help companies to achieve this, MCRB shared tools for stakeholder mapping and suggestions for the content of company websites, based on its Pwint Thit Sa/Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises study, as well as suggestions for how companies should handle complaints and grievances and details of international standards and best practice guidance. Given the likely presence in Karen areas of populations considered Indigenous Peoples under international standards, who had a right to Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in certain circumstances, MCRB explained the implications of this, drawing on its recent Briefing Paper.
The Hpaan workshop was the first of a series of joint workshops by PeaceNexus Foundation, the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB), and the Kaw Lah Foundation which are intended to promote awareness amongst businesses in South East Myanmar of what ‘responsible business’ means.