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International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies

The 1st International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies was held in Chiang Mai over the period 24-26 July 2015.
The 1st International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies was held in Chiang Mai over the period 24-26 July 2015.

MCRB​ presented at the International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies, Burma/Myanmar in Transition: Connectivity, Changes and Challenges.

The topic presented was:

“Responsible Tourism: Can Myanmar Begin the Journey to Sustainable and Quality Tourism?”.

The conference was held from 24-26 July 2015 in Chiang Mai, Thailand and was co-hosted by the Centre for ASEAN Studies (CAS), Chiang Mai University, the Regional Centre for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD): Myanmar Studies Centre, the University of Mandalay and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) in Leiden, The Netherlands.

Around 550 participants from Thailand, Myanmar and other countries attended the conference and the participants represented scholars, researchers, journalists, NGO workers and observers from Thailand, Myanmar, as well as those from other parts of the world. The ICBMS conference enabled and empowered discussion on relevant topics and provide holistic updates on Myanmar.

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Defining Good Practice Approaches to Land Acquisition and Resettlement in Myanmar
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