MCRB Participates in Southeast Asia Digital Rights Camp - သတင္းမီဒီယာစင္တာ
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MCRB Participates in Southeast Asia Digital Rights Camp

The event is known as COCONET,  named after the coconut plant which is widespread in Southeast Asia, and which stands for Connecting Communities & Networks.
The event is known as COCONET, named after the coconut plant which is widespread in Southeast Asia, and which stands for Connecting Communities & Networks.

Wai Phyo Myint, MCRB’s Regional Outreach Manager, together with eight other participants from civil society organisations and media in Myanmar, participated in the Southeast Asia Digital Rights Camp in Yogjakarta, Indonesia from 22-26 October, 2017.

The event is known as COCONET,  named after the coconut plant which is widespread in Southeast Asia, and which stands for Connecting Communities & Networks.  It was hosted by Engage Media, the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), and the Southeast Asian Press Aliance (SEAPA), inter alia. 

The discussions at the camp about the digital rights issues across the region serve as a good input for the Myanmar team’s preparation for the second Myanmar Digital Rights Forum which will be held in Yangon on 18-19 January, 2018 and bring together stakeholders from civil society, media, business, and government, as well as international experts, to discuss digital rights issues around three themes:

  1. privacy including online safety,

  2. freedom of expression including responsible social media usage, and

  3. access to information.

The first Myanmar Digital Rights Forum was held in Phandeeyar in December 2016 and organised by Phandeeyar, Myanmar ICT Development Organization (MIDO), MCRB and, with the support from Embassy of Sweden. The aim of the Myanmar Digital Rights Forum is to widen awareness of digital rights amongst non-ICT specialist stakeholder groups, and to identify policy, regulatory and advocacy opportunities.

If you are interested in participating in the next Myanmar Digital Rights Forum, please contact MCRB.

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Photo: Thor Jorgen Udvang

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