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Bringing Assistive Technologies for B2C Services to Myanmar

On 12 January, a webinar was held to share experiences on the role of businesses in making their products and/or services more accessible and inclusive for persons with disabilities in Myanmar.

Discussing ‘Dignity By Design’ in Myanmar’s Built Environment

MCRB and CIAG held a discussion on 11 January on how the ‘Framework for Dignity in the Built Environment’ could be used for new building projects and renovation in Myanmar.

Business Consultation on National Land Law Reform

On 17 December, MCRB organized two separate online consultations (English and Burmese language) on “Myanmar land laws: currents problems, possible solutions”.

uab Tops the 2020 Pwint Thit Sa / Transparency In Myanmar Enterprises Ranking

The 2020 Report assesses information disclosure on the corporate websites of 260 large Myanmar companies, including listed, and public ones, and for the first time, includes all banks.

Virtual Roundtable Discussion with CSOs on Extractives and Inclusive Business

On 26 November 2020, MCRB held its first virtual roundtable discussion series with Civil Society Organizations on “Extractives and Inclusive Business”.

Why Should You Hire Persons With Disabilities?

On 24 November, MCRB held its first transcontinental webinar, the first of a two-part webinar series organised together with the Israel embassy in Myanmar, Myanmar Israel Chamber of Commerce, and leading disability rights organization Access Israel.

MCRB Provided Comments on Draft E-commerce Strategy for Myanmar and Draft eCommerce Guidelines 2020

MCRB welcomes the efforts of the Ministry of Commerce and UNCTAD to conduct an open dialogue between the stakeholders. It is a positive move towards reaching a comprehensive and timely, important set of directions.

Recorded discussion panel: "In Privacy and Data Protection We Trust!"

On the 21st of October, under the umbrella of the Myanmar Cybersecurity Month 2020 # #BeCyberSmart campaign, MCRB hosted an online discussion on Privacy and Data Protection and touched base on digital rights and privacy issues in Myanmar.

MCRB Submits Comments on the Draft Work Plan for Drafting the National Land Law

In response to the request for comments, MCRB has submitted comments to the Union Attorney-General’s office on the draft Work Plan for the drafting of the National Land Law.

New Report and Upcoming Webinar on Human Rights in Tourism

Win Min of MCRB contributed to the Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) undertaken in Myanmar (and Thailand) in 2019 by the Roundtable - Human Rights in Tourism...

White Paper on Tourism in Myanmar

Myanmar Tourism Marketing (MTM) held a series of online panel dialogues and discussions entitled “The COVID-19 Wave and Myanmar’s Tourism Industry,” in May 2020 in which MCRB’s Senior Programme Associate Win Min participated.

MDRF calls for the end of the 2G digital blackout

The partners of the Myanmar Digital Rights Forum including MCRB have issued a joint statement calling on the Myanmar Government to restore 3G and 4G internet services in seven townships.

Responsible Investment – A Way Forward

MCRB Deputy Director Hnin Wut Yee has had an Op-Ed published in Frontier Magazine which examines how Myanmar can take steps within the existing regulatory framework to make investment all responsible...

Handbook on Business Integrity for Myanmar Businesses

MCRB has published ‘Business Integrity: A Handbook for Myanmar Businesses’, a guide intended to help owners and managers of businesses in Myanmar who want to resist corrupt practices and reduce exposure to the risks that corruption creates.

Celebrating the First Ten Years of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

As the UN Guiding Principles enter their tenth year MCRB marks the launch of the "Next 10 Years" project with four short introductory videos on the UNGPs, subtitled in Burmese.

Joint Submission on Freedom of Expression for Myanmar’s Second Universal Periodic Review

MCRB has joined 12 other organisations in submitting a report to the UN Human Rights Council covering issues relating to freedom of expression, information and assembly in Myanmar, ahead of Myanmar’s second Universal Periodic Review.

Jade Mining in Kachin State – Environmental Management Plans

This Advisory Paper (in English and Myanmar) advises how to achieve safer and more environmentally friendly practices in the jade mining areas of Lonkhin and Hpakant in Kachin State, with suggestions for inclusion of yemasay/scavengers.

End The World’s Longest Internet Shutdown – Now Entering Its Second Year

MCRB and its partners in the Myanmar Digital Rights Forum including Free Expression Myanmar (FEM), Myanmar ICT Development Organization (MIDO) and Phandeeyar, together with local and international organizations on 21 June issued a joint statement...

Myanmar moves up in Doing Good Index 2020

In the newly launched Doing Good Index 2020 Report, Myanmar has moved up from ‘Not Doing Enough’ in 2018 to ‘Doing OK’ by improving registration and oversight efficiency for not-for-profits.

Can Yangon Air Quality Be ‘Built Back Better’?

On 13 June, MCRB sponsored local youth environmental campaigners Air Quality Yangon to hold a Burmese-language webinar on the causes and consequences of poor air quality in Yangon.

Latest News

Recordings of the presentations are available to watch in English or in Thai. Click "See More" below the video for the link to the Thai version.

On 13 July, MCRB and Fair Finance Thailand co-hosted a webinar for Thai companies. Vicky Bowman, Director of MCRB, presented the human rights risks which companies currently need to take into account when doing business in Myanmar...

Launched in November 2022, the Myanmar Sustainable Business Network (MSBN) is a multistakeholder platform bringing together businesses and professionals committed to building a more sustainable economy in Myanmar through responsible business practices.

MSBN, a partnership between MCRB, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Myanmar and Yever, has submitted input to the consultations by the UN Global Digital Compact (UNGDC) highlighting digital rights priorities...

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