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Governance of Corporate Philanthropy

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) hosted a responsible business seminar on Thursday October 24 to share experience on governance of corporate philanthropy.

Ethical Marketing for the 21st Century in Myanmar

Vicky Bowman spoke on 25 October at a seminar on ‘Ethical marketing for the 21st Century organised by the Advertising Agencies Association of Myanmar - AAAM, at the Union of Myanmar Chambers of Commerce and industry in Yangon.

MCRB submits comments on draft Petroleum Bill

At the invitation of the Joint Bill Committee which is currently considering the draft Petroleum Bill, MCRB has submitted comments to Parliament which draw on the findings of the 2014 Oil and Gas Sector Wide Impact Assessment.

Tackling teamoney: Inputs sought for updated anti-corruption toolkit

MCRB will publish an updated toolkit for companies in Myanmar on resisting corruption and working with integrity later this year, together with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

MCRB comments on the draft registration procedure for ‘3rd party’ EIA consultants

MCRB has supplied written comments to the ongoing consultation on the draft procedure for EIA consultant registration.

Imagine Spending a Day Without Data!

MCRB, together with its partners from the Myanmar Digital Rights Forum, have launched the countdown to “Myanmar Internet Blackout Day 101”.

Workshop for Kyaukphyu communities on EIA and public participation

MCRB, in partnership with Scholar Institute held a training on Responsible Business and the role of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) in Kyaukphyu on 29 August.

DICA and MCRB Launch Guide to “Respecting Myanmar Culture in the Workplace”

Yangon, Myanmar – The Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) today launched a guide to “Respecting Myanmar Culture in the Workplace”.

Business Involvement is Essential if Myanmar is to Achieve LGBT+ Equality

About 60 participants from around 20 Myanmar and international businesses, as well as LGBT+ rights groups, trade union rights, international organisations, experts and lawyers discussed attended a workshop on 28/29 August at the Rose Garden Hotel, Yangon.

Government Should Give Early ‘Joined-Up’ Advice to Investors to Avoid Negative Impacts on Biodiversity

On 27 August, MCRB in cooperation with the Environmental Conservation Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) held a one day workshop for ministry staff involved in investment in a variety of sectors...

Reducing Single-Use Plastic in Myanmar

MCRB joined Flora&Fauna International (FFI), Thant Myanmar and UNDP, with support from the German Embassy to organise a one-day workshop on 9 July at Hilton Hotel, Naypyidaw, to discuss how to reduce plastic pollution in Myanmar.

Planning for a Brighter Future in Mrauk U: Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management

On 10/11 July, MCRB and UNESCO Myanmar office facilitated a multistakeholder discussion on sustainable management of tourism in Mrauk U at Sedona Hotel Yangon.

SMEs in Mon and Kayin State Want Less Red Tape, Fewer Committees, and Clear Procedures and Fees

On 2 and 3 July, MCRB, together with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) as part of the FairBiz programme supported by the UK FCO Prosperity Fund, organised day long training and consultation workshops for local businesses.

Lift the Restrictions on Internet Access

MCRB has issued a bilingual statement on the current internet shutdown in nine townships in Rakhine and Chin State, together with Freedom of Expression Myanmar (FEM), Myanmar ICT Development Organisation (MIDO) and Phandeeyar...

4th National Conference on Communities and Tourism 2019

Community-centred planning, multi-stakeholder coordination and transparency needed to ensure responsible tourism development in regions

Building Environmental Legal Advocacy Skills for Civil Society Leaders

MCRB and Vermont Law School are undertaking a programme of In-Depth Training on Environmental Legal Advocacy for civil society leaders, to support them in understanding Myanmar’s environmental policy and law framework.

Businesses Have Many Opportunities to Support Myanmar’s Democratic and Peaceful Transition

Vicky Bowman presented on opportunities in Myanmar to develop Respectful Workplaces at the Myanmar-EU Economic Forum in Naypyidaw on 5 June, to complement the newly launched EuroCham Myanmar Responsible Business Initiative.

Promoting Ethical Recruitment of Myanmar Migrant Workers

On 15 May 2019, a Regional Roundtable on Driving Responsible Recruitment in Asia, at Novotel Yangon was organised by MCRB. Around 110 participants attended on 15 May for a full day of discussion.

The Business Case for Diverse, Respectful and Inclusive Workplaces, and How to Build Them

MCRB held a one-day workshop on 7 May intended to provide Myanmar and foreign businesses with practical advice on how to promote diverse, respectful and inclusive workplaces.

MCRB and Colors Rainbow Invite Businesses to Fly the Rainbow Flag for LGBT Equality on 17 May

MCRB and Colors Rainbow are encouraging companies and other organisations in Myanmar to join the hundreds of companies worldwide who will stand up for equality for those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.

Latest News

What Remains of the Myanmar Economy Post-Coup

On 16 September 2024, Vicky Bowman, MCRB Director was interviewed by Pamela Kennedy of the Stimson Center on what has happened to Myanmar's economy since the 1 February 2021 military coup, and the outlook for the future.

Recordings of the presentations are available to watch in English or in Thai. Click "See More" below the video for the link to the Thai version.

On 13 July, MCRB and Fair Finance Thailand co-hosted a webinar for Thai companies. Vicky Bowman, Director of MCRB, presented the human rights risks which companies currently need to take into account when doing business in Myanmar...

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