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2019 Pwint Thit Sa / Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises Report Launched

MCRB has launched the fifth Pwint Thit Sa/Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises (TiME) report, completed in partnership with Yever.

Vicky Bowman interviewed in Euromatters

Vicky Bowman, Director of MCRB, was interviewed in the April-June issue of ‘Euromatters’ the quarterly publication of the EU Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar.

Towards Responsible Gold Mining in Sagaing Region

On 9/10 March, MCRB hosted a multi-stakeholder discussion on licensing and responsible business practices for gold mining in Sagaing Region. The purpose of the workshop was to support the action point 5.5.3 in the Government of Myanmar’s 2018 Myanmar...

Second Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Promoting Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities

The workshop was part of a joint action on responsible supply chains in six countries in Asia, including Myanmar, to promote responsible business conduct (RBC) with regard to decent work, environmental sustainability and respect for human rights.

Investing in Biodiversity

Investing in Biodiversity

On 5 March, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA)’s Yangon office hosted MCRB for a half day training workshop on biodiversity and investment to 70 DICA and Environmental Conservation Department (ECD) staff.

VPSHR Workshop Hears From Civil Society About Mining Grievances That Can Provoke Company-Community Conflict

Around 30 participants, mostly from civil society organisations from Mandalay and Sagaing Regions, Karen, Kayah, and Eastern and Southern Shan States, discussed concerns about community-company relations and security issues related to mining.

MCRB provides initial comments to government on the draft cybersecurity framework, and discusses cybersecurity with MPs

MCRB and other business and civil society stakeholders with an interest in cybersecurity were invited to Naypyidaw on 25 January to participate in a consultation hosted by the Ministry of Transport and Communication (MoTC).

Third Myanmar Digital Rights Forum Ends With Call for Better Regulated, Freer, Safer Online Space, Emphasises Need For Consultation

The third Myanmar Digital Rights Forum concluded on 19 January in Yangon with a call for new policy and regulation that would safeguard digital rights in Myanmar, and a fully consultative process to achieve this.

Third Myanmar Digital Rights Forum Kicks Off With a Call to Counter Fake News

The third Myanmar Digital Rights Forum began today in Yangon, bringing together 240 participants from across the world with an interest or expertise in freedom of expression, privacy and access to information.

MCRB Expresses Concern About the Impact on Responsible Investment of the Amendments to the Virgin, Vacant and Fallow Lands Law

MCRB has sent a letter to the Chair of the National Land Use Council expressing concerns that the rapid implementation of the amended VFV Lands Management Law will cause significant problems for investors seeking to operate responsibly in Myanmar.

Strengthening Public Understanding Of Environmental Impact Assessment

MCRB worked with Vermont Law School (supported by Heinrich Boll Stiftung), in cooperation with the Environmental Conservation Department (ECD) of MONREC, and local civil society networks, to hold workshops in Mandalay, Monywa, Taunggyi and Loikaw.

‘Tone from the Top’ is Essential in Combatting Corruption

On 5 December 2018, MCRB and the Union of Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry co-hosted the third of MCRB’s ‘responsible business seminars’, with a focus on combatting corruption.

Awareness-Raising Workshops Held in Yangon and Naypyidaw on the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR)

Following on from the recommendations of the Scoping Report and the decision of the 18 May Myanmar Steering Committee of the VPSHR, two half-day awareness-raising workshops about the VPSHR and how they could be useful for Myanmar were held in Naypyidaw.

MCRB submits comments to Amyotha Hluttaw Agricultural Committee

MCRB has submitted a set of comments to the Amyotha Hluttaw Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Fishery Development Committee in response to their Enquiry into Agricultural Chemical Residues (see below in English and Myanmar languages).

Investors Need to Identify their Impacts on Myanmar’s Biodiversity and Ecosystems Early On, to Avoid Cost and Conflict Later

MCRB has published a set of briefing papers intended to help business, civil society and government understand how some types of investment in Myanmar can negatively impact biodiversity and thereby affect human rights...

MCRB to partner with the 2020 Doing Good Index

MCRB has signed an MoU with the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) in which MCRB will be the research partner for Myanmar for the second edition of the Doing Good Index 2020 (DGI2020) to be published in January 2020.

Making the Links between Business, Human Rights and the Environment for Asia’s Legal Professionals

Vicky Bowman, MCRB Director, attended the 31st LAWASIA conference in Siem Reap, Cambodia from 3-5 November, attended by over 450 lawyers, mostly from commercial practice, from throughout the Asia region.

MCRB Presents on Child Labour Issues at the Launch of Report on the Myanmar Fishing Sector

Japanese NGO Human Rights Now launched a report on Child Labour in the Myanmar Fishing Sector on 17 October in Yangon and held a discussion with around 20 participants from Myanmar and international non-governmental organisations.

Building Understanding of EIA and Responsible Business for Civil Society Groups in Southern and Eastern Shan State

MCRB in partnership with Metta Development Foundation and Environmental Conservation and Farmer Development Organization (Shan), held a workshop on EIA in Taunggyi on 3-4 October for around 40 partiicpants from civil society organisations (CSOs) and commu

The EU Should Calibrate Trade Policy on Myanmar Based on an Overall Analysis of Human Rights Impact

John Morrison, Chief Executive of the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), one of MCRB’s co-founder organisations, together with Ron Popper, one of MCRB (UK) Ltd’s Directors, visited Myanmar from 1-5 October...

Latest News

What Remains of the Myanmar Economy Post-Coup

On 16 September 2024, Vicky Bowman, MCRB Director was interviewed by Pamela Kennedy of the Stimson Center on what has happened to Myanmar's economy since the 1 February 2021 military coup, and the outlook for the future.

Recordings of the presentations are available to watch in English or in Thai. Click "See More" below the video for the link to the Thai version.

On 13 July, MCRB and Fair Finance Thailand co-hosted a webinar for Thai companies. Vicky Bowman, Director of MCRB, presented the human rights risks which companies currently need to take into account when doing business in Myanmar...

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