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Myanmar Parliament Passes Tourism Law

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) has conducted a Sector Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA) highlighting the issues and the challenges of the Tourism Industry.

The Private Sector in Myanmar is Best-Placed to be the Force for Reform

Vicky Bowman gave a keynote presentation at the Professional Development Conference 2018 in Yangon on the topic of ‘What, and Why, should Human Resources Managers in Myanmar know about Corporate Governance and Responsible Business?’ .

Workplace Dialogue is Essential to Prevent Disputes

On 13 September 2018, MCRB and ILO hosted the second of its ‘responsible business seminars’, following on from the kick-off on responsible business due diligence on 5 July.

Myanmar Needs a People-Centred Cybersecurity Framework Including Data Protection to Benefit from the Digital Economy

MCRB contributed to a seminar organised by Telenor on ‘Privacy and Data Protection in the Digital Age’ on 27 August in Naypyidaw.

Workshop to Consult Government Departments on the Draft Handbook on Employment of Persons with Disabilities

On 17th August 2018, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) and Association for Aid and Relief (AAR) Japan, with the support of Department of Rehabilitation, Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement held a meeting to obtain feedback...

MCRB submits comments to Parliament on the draft Land Acquisition Act

MCRB has submitted a set of bilingual comments to the Parliamentary Committees currently considering a new law to replace the 1894 Land Acquisition Act.

Combatting Corruption in the Private Sector – Regional and Myanmar Developments

Vicky Bowman, MCRB Director, attended a Regional Seminar on Effective Measures for the Private Sector to Prevent Bribery in Pattaya on 2-3 August 2018, organised by the UNODC with the assistance of the Thai National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).

MCRB Presents Responsible Business Basics at the Mon State Parliament

On 13 July, Aung Kyaw Soe and Hlaing Min Oo of MCRB presented at the “Project Planning and Project Management in Financial Workshop” held at the Mon State Hluttaw Hall in Mawlamyine...

Responsible Business Seminar Series kicks off with a discussion of ‘due diligence’

On 5 July, MCRB together with the Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration (DICA) and the OECD held the inaugural event for a new series of Responsible Business Seminars.

MCRB co-hosts seminar on Understanding SDGs/CSR/ESG for Japanese companies

On 26 June, JETRO Yangon (Japan External Trade Organization), Nippon Koei, and MCRB jointly hosted a half-day seminar in Yangon for Japanese companies operating in Myanmar to enhance understanding of responsible business conduct in the Myanmar context.

Meeting Between MCRB, International Investors and Myanmar Investment Commission to Discuss Responsible Investment in Myanmar

On 22 June 2018, MCRB and various companies met with the Myanmar Investment Commission to discuss responsible business practices in Myanmar including human rights.

River Sand Extraction in Myanmar

Bethia Kadoe was attached for a month in 2017 as an intern with MCRB, and worked in collaboration with WWF to study river sand mining in the Ayeyarwady/Yangon area. This is her paper from her research.

Working with Community Groups in Shan State on Responsible Business and EIA

Hnin Wut Yee and Aung Kyaw Soe were speakers at a workshop in Taunggyi for civil society organizations on “Responsible Business and the Role of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)” on 7/8 June...

Experts object to firms’ plans to mine sand in Tanintharyi Region

A local company plans to extract 5 million cubic metres of sand over five years in sensitive coastal areas in Tanintharyi Region without legally-required environmental assessments.

Third National Conference on Communities and Tourism Focusses on Local Level Destination Management

Over 200 participants from government, private sector, local community-based tourism (CBT) organisations, development partners and independent experts attended the 3rd National Conference on Communities and Tourism in Kalaw from 6-8 June.

Steering Committee for the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Myanmar In-Country Working Group meets for the first time

The inaugural Steering Committee meeting of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) Myanmar In-Country Working Group was held at MCRB on 18 May 2018, co-chaired by the UK Embassy and TOTAL.

Consultation Begins on Draft EIA Guidelines for the Mining Sector

The consultation was attended by over 100 participants, mainly from the mining sector, EIA consultants, and relevant government officials from MONREC (mining, environment and forestry), Ministry of Health and Sport and Ministry of Home Affairs.

MCRB Proposes Amendments to the forthcoming Companies Regulations to Support Myanmar’s Implementation of Anti-Money-Laundering and EITI Requirements

MCRB has submitted proposed amendments to the 2018 Draft Companies Regulations on which the Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration (DICA) is currently seeking input to the Regulations and accompanying sample forms...

MCRB Submits Comments on the Draft Insolvency Law

MCRB has submitted comments on the draft Insolvency Law which is currently being prepared by DICA and open for consultation.

Consultation to update MCRB’s Land Rights and Business in Myanmar Briefing Paper

On 22nd May 2018, MCRB held a consultation in Yangon to obtain comments on the draft ‘Land Rights and Business in Myanmar’ briefing paper, an update of MCRB’s 2015 Land briefing paper.

Latest News

What Remains of the Myanmar Economy Post-Coup

On 16 September 2024, Vicky Bowman, MCRB Director was interviewed by Pamela Kennedy of the Stimson Center on what has happened to Myanmar's economy since the 1 February 2021 military coup, and the outlook for the future.

Recordings of the presentations are available to watch in English or in Thai. Click "See More" below the video for the link to the Thai version.

On 13 July, MCRB and Fair Finance Thailand co-hosted a webinar for Thai companies. Vicky Bowman, Director of MCRB, presented the human rights risks which companies currently need to take into account when doing business in Myanmar...

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