
Wai Phyo Myint, MCRB’s Regional Outreach Manager, together with eight other participants from civil society organisations and media in Myanmar, participated in the Southeast Asia Digital Rights Camp in Yogjakarta, Indonesia from 22-26 October, 2017.

In a country long known for military monopolies and cronyism, the rules are changing fast, and businesses now are eager to be on the side of virtue, writes the Bangkok Post.

From 24 to 26 October, MCRB collaborated with WWF Myanmar and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) on a training workshop in Naypyidaw on Mining Sector Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management.

Mizzima’s Aung Thura sat down with MCRB Director Vicky Bowman to discuss the FDI, development in light of the Rakhine crisis.

On 30 September, Vicky Bowman gave a talk on ‘Corruption and Business in Myanmar – what needs to change?’ at Parami Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences as part of their Leadership talk series.

From 2016-2017, Hnin Wut Yee, MCRB’s Research and Outreach Manager participated in the MK 31 Nu-Thanlwin-Salween study project and this policy brief is prepared with the support of the project.

What Myanmar needs is a simple definition of small and medium-sized enterprise. Myanmar also needs an effective advocacy body for small businesses.

MCRB and the UN Office of Drugs and Crime co-hosted a workshop for businesses to identify practical ways to enhance business integrity, resist corrupt practices and reduce exposure to the risks that corruption can pose.

Vicky Bowman spoke about responsible business conduct, corporate social responsibility (CSR), creating shared value (CSV) and building a social licence to operate at a two-day seminar.

On 20 June, Vicky Bowman, Director, and Wai Phyo Myint, Regional Outreach Manager visited Pathein for a discussion of the problems of beach sand mining in Ngwesaung.

MCRB has commenced work on an assessment of actual and potential environmental, social and human rights impacts of the oil palm sector in Myanmar.

On 8 June 2017, MCRB made a written submission in Burmese to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee on the Artisanal Oil Production Bill. The bill is currently under discussion in the Hluttaw.

On 22 June, Wai Phyo Myint, MCRB’s Regional Outreach Manager and another 10 organisations representing the 22 organisations in the Coalition for Telecoms Law Reform and the Abolition of Article 66(d) visited Naypyidaw.

On 23 June, MCRB hosted a discussion between the Caux Roundtable Japan and trade union and labour rights activists, organisations working on other business and human rights issues, at the Rose Garden Hotel, Yangon.

Vicky Bowman, MCRB Director gave a presentation at an event on 21 June hosted at the Yangon Stock Exchange and by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Myanmar and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

On 9th June 2017, MCRB held a consultation in Yangon to receive feedback and engage in discussion on the draft Discrimination and Business in Myanmar Briefing paper.

MCRB, Myanmar Responsible Tourism Initiative (MRTI) and Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) cohosted a second Communities and Tourism Conference in Naypyidaw on 13/14 June.

Hnin Wut Yee from MCRB participated in an international conference held at Chulalongkorn University on 12 November 2016 to share the findings of the research related to water governance supported by the WLE Salween, Mekong and Red fellowship programs.