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MCRB trains Companies on ’Developing a Human Rights Policy’

The workshop was attended by 73 participants from 49 Myanmar companies.
The workshop was attended by 73 participants from 49 Myanmar companies.

As part of its programme of enhancing Myanmar companies’ understanding of responsible business practices, MCRB organised a one day workshop in Yangon on “Developing a Human Rights Policy” on 5th September 2016.

It was attended by 73 participants from 49 Myanmar companies, including staff working in human resources, compliance, community and corporate relations, and communications, as well as staff of the Human Rights Commission.

Presentations and discussion covered MCRB's Pwint Thit Sa project (2016 report due to launch later in September), as well as which human rights are relevant to business, relevant Myanmar legal frameworks, as well as international standards, including the UN Global Compact and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The workshop also heard from Dr. Thaung Han, CEO of the Max Company sharing their company’s experience in developing a Human Rights Policy, and discussed how companies could develop their own policy.

Zita Schellekens from Heineken Myanmar also shared her company's experience in developing a Human Rights Policy and what it meant for their operations in Myanmar. Participants discussed the human rights impacts that could be caused by their relevant business sectors, how a company could seek to avoid or minimize them and challenges in taking such steps.

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