Doing Good Index (DGI) 2022 reveals inequalities have been exacerbated

The Doing Good Index Report for 2022, which looks at the enabling environments for philanthropy and private social investment across 18 Asian countries was published by the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society (CAPS) in June 2022.
Myanmar moved up in the 2020 Index from Not Doing Enough to Doing Okay, but due to the current political situation, a survey could not be conducted for the 2022 Index. MCRB and sustainability consultancy Yever instead engaged directly with 20 experts and social delivery organisations to obtain insights into the combined effects of Covid-19 and the political crisis on Myanmar’s social sector.
These insights revealed a significantly deteriorating situation for the social sector in Myanmar, with all the SDOs interviewed highlighting the prevailing uncertainty and near-impossible task of planning ahead. More generally, the 2022 index revealed that Asia's social sector had suffered an overall funding decline despite having the highest Covid-19 pandemic induced poverty globally, and identified a number of underlying structural conditions preventing the region's social sectors from thriving.
Looking ahead, the report revealed the need for Asian economies to develop a clear and consistent set of policies to unlock domestic funding that will allow for inclusive and sustainable development. For Myanmar, an additional challenge SDOs and their funders face to strengthening the social sector landscape is to rebuild trust amongst and between these stakeholder groups. While immensely challenging, partnerships between Myanmar SDOs and the private sector offer one pathway to fill the gap left by development partners and major donors who have place an ongoing freeze on funding.
For further information about the DGI 2022 Report, CAPS have developed an interactive microsite which lets users visualise, explore and compare the DGI2022 data. A data dashboard allows users to compare economies and track changes across time and economy profiles present a visual and digestible deep dive into each economy.