Recorded discussion panel: "In Privacy and Data Protection We Trust!"

On the 21st of October, under the umbrella of the Myanmar Cybersecurity Month 2020 #BeCyberSmart campaign, MCRB hosted an online discussion on Privacy and Data Protection and touched base on digital rights and privacy issues in Myanmar.
Together with U Htin Aung Hlaing, Chief Technology Officer, Wave Money, U Min Thu Aung, Head of Business Sustainability & Special Projects at Telenor Myanmar, U Ye Thura Thet, Co-founder of CyberBaykin, discussed how to achieve better privacy and data protection in Myanmar. The approach of not letting anyone behind and digital rights compliance is vital in achieving the target.
Speakers provided a set of recommendations on enhancing the data protection process and developing trust relations between businesses and consumers through the responsible use of personal data and its protection.
The discussion has stricken the necessity of Myanmar's legal framework and recommended points for guidance and privacy and data protection:
Purpose and scope
Legal requirements to address data protection principles
Protect the rights of data subjects
Limitation of processing of personal data
Obligations of data controllers and processors
Independent supervisory authority for data protection
Moreover, it was agreed on the importance of the ICT sector's engagement in advocacy by building a telecommunication coalition and a human rights-centric approach towards gaining trust.
(For Myanmar discussion version, please follow this link:
Read also
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Sector and Digital Rights
- MCRB Submits Input to OHCHR on the Right to Privacy in the Digital Age
- MCRB Submits Input to OHCHR on the Practical Application of the UNGPs to the Tech Sector
- Update on Draft Cybersecurity Law and its Impacts on Digital Rights and the Digital Economy
- Myanmar’s Legal Framework For Cybersecurity Needs To Be Built To International Standards