The EU Should Calibrate Trade Policy on Myanmar Based on an Overall Analysis of Human Rights Impact

John Morrison, Chief Executive of the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), one of MCRB’s co-founder organisations, together with Ron Popper, one of MCRB (UK) Ltd’s Directors, visited Myanmar from 1-5 October to attend MCRB’s twice-yearly Donor Group meeting.
They met a variety of international business and other stakeholders, visited the Aungmyinhmu training centre for garment workers and met the Chair of the Anti-Corruption Commission at a consultation for multinational companies facilitated by MCRB. They also participated in MCRB’s workshop on responsible business and EIA for civil society organisations in Taunggyi and visited agriculture, tourism and energy businesses in the region,
The question of potential withdrawal of tariff-free access to European markets under the Everything But Arms Initiative was discussed frequently on the visit, and on his return, John on behalf of IHRB sent an open letter to the European Union (EU) Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström, highlighting the relevant recommendations concerning business, and targeted sanctions contained in the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) on Myanmar, which reported to the United Nations in September 2018.
Vicky Bowman, MCRB Director, recently highlighted the role of business as a force for reform in Myanmar, and the importance of international investors and buyers/customers and other stakeholders in pushing for higher environmental and social standards.
MCRB working with a range of international companies and other organisations, is supporting a series of seminars intended to strengthen knowledge of responsible business conduct and respect for human rights.