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Handbook on Business Integrity for Myanmar Businesses

The Handbook, available in English and Myanmar, aims to provide guidance for businesses in Myanmar to support their anti-corruption programmes.
The Handbook, available in English and Myanmar, aims to provide guidance for businesses in Myanmar to support their anti-corruption programmes.

MCRB has published ‘Business Integrity: A Handbook for Myanmar Businesses’, a guide intended to help owners and managers of businesses in Myanmar who want to resist corrupt practices and reduce exposure to the risks that corruption creates.

The handbook has been published in collaboration with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), and the UN Development Programme (UNDP).

Business Integrity - A Handbook for Myanmar Businesses
Document PDF, 2254 downloads, 27 July, 2020

This Handbook, available in English and Myanmar, aims to provide guidance for businesses in Myanmar to support their anti-corruption programmes, drawing on inspiration from examples in Myanmar and elsewhere.   It is structured around the eight principles for companies to take action to combat corruption issued by the Anti-Corruption Commission in 2018. These are:

  1. Strong, effective policy and support from top-level management to fight corruption

  2. Risk assessment to effectively identify and evaluate exposure to corruption

  3. Enhanced and detailed measures for high-risk and vulnerable areas

  4. Application of anti-corruption measures to business partners

  5. Accurate books and accounting records

  6. Human resource management policies complementary to anti-corruption measures

  7. Establish trustworthy reporting mechanisms to report suspected corrupt behaviour

  8. Periodic review and evaluation of anticorruption prevention measures

The Handbook gives suggestions to companies on how they can individually put those eight principles into practice, and how they can collectively work with others to do so.  Also included are additional resources such as guidelines for a company’s codes of conduct, and gift policy.

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