Protecting Myanmar’s Coastal Tourism Potential - Ngapali & Beach Sand Mining - News
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Protecting Myanmar’s Coastal Tourism Potential - Ngapali & Beach Sand Mining

Ngpali Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches of Southeast Asia and a popular tourist destination in Myanmar.
Ngpali Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches of Southeast Asia and a popular tourist destination in Myanmar.

MCRB has submitted some ideas and suggestions to H.E. Vice-President U Nyan Tun, Chair of Myanmar’s Tourism Development Central Committee on how to address the threat that sand mining represents to Myanmar’s coastal beach tourism, particularly at Ngapali.

Letter to HE Vice President U Nyan Tun
Document PDF, 1.54 MB, 944 downloads, 18 May, 2015

These suggestions draw on MCRB’s sector-wide impact assessment on tourism, and in particular the importance of effective and participatory destination management.

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