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Stakeholder Risk in ICT Sector

Myanmar Connect 2015 is a unique platform connecting the entire Myanmar telecoms community with leading companies from around the world.
Myanmar Connect 2015 is a unique platform connecting the entire Myanmar telecoms community with leading companies from around the world.

Vicky Bowman gave a keynote analysis at Myanmar Connect 2015 in Naypyidaw on 16 September. Her presentation focussed on the stakeholder risks for the ICT sector during the coming six months before and after Myanmar’s election on 8 November.

She previewed the ICT Sector-wide Impact Assessment, recently completed by MCRB, which will be published on 24 September, and identified some of the main online and offline human rights impacts of the sector which will feature in the SWIA.

She particularly highlighted the question of ‘network shutdown’ and the increased risk of this as a result of the election and its aftermath. She identified commitments which the government could make, as well as steps companies should take to prepare themselves for this risk.

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