SWIA Questionnaires

MCRB has published three questionnaires in English and Burmese which were developed for use by the researchers conducting its sector-wide impact assessments, to assist them in identifying human rights impacts of business. The three questionnaires are intended to be used with companies, communities and workers respectively.
The questionnaires are generic for any sector and MCRB has published them as a resource for companies and communities conducting their own human rights impact assessments. Sector-specific questions used for oil/gas, tourism and ICT (the three SWIAs undertaken to date) have been removed.
Researchers were also provided with fact sheets highlighting key human rights issues linked to business activities in Myanmar, for example on labour, environment, land, livelihoods, security etc. These factsheets will be published shortly.
Read also
- Assessing the Impacts of Selected Business Sectors on Myanmar Society
- What are Sector-Wide Impact Assessments (SWIA)