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White Paper on Tourism in Myanmar

Myanmar Tourism Marketing (MTM) held a series of online panel dialogues and discussions entitled “The COVID-19 Wave and Myanmar’s Tourism Industry,” in May 2020 in which MCRB’s Senior Programme Associate Win Min participated.

During the online panel discussions industry leaders, INGOs and Government Officials discussed and shared insights and suggestions on current challenges.

MCRB, together with Hanns Seidel Foundation and Myanmar Responsible Tourism Institute, summmarised discussions in a White Paper for MTM which is intended to offer recommendations concerning the tourism industry in Myanmar both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, including as inputs for the new Tourism Master Plan currently under preparation.

The White Paper highlights that now, and in the future, tourists will be seeking less crowded destinations, which is an opportunity for Myanmar. It recommends:

  1. Put Safety First

  2. Promote Domestic Tourism

  3. Adopt a Phased Approach for Reopening to International Travel

  4. Improve Destination Management and Market Segmentation

  5. Revise the Current Approach to Marketing and Promotion

  6. Build a Supportive Business Environment

  7. Invest in Human Resources—Managing Talent

White Paper on Tourism in Myanmar

White Paper on Tourism in Myanmar

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