Pwint Thit Sa (TiME) Report

Pwint Thit Sa is intended to encourage better corporate governance and increased transparency by Myanmar businesses.
Information about MCRB's Pwint Thit Sa/Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises (TiME) initiative and past reports, as well as future activities, are available at:

The seventh Pwint Thit Sa/Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises (TiME) report was published on 20 February 2023.

The 2020 Report assesses information disclosure on the corporate websites of 260 large Myanmar companies, including listed, and public ones, and for the first time, including banks.

The 2019 report assessed online disclosure of information by 248 Myanmar companies making Pwint Thit Sa 2019 the most ambitious public report ever published about the state of corporate disclosure in Myanmar.

The fourth Pwint Thit Sa report was published on March 26th 2018 in partnership for the first time with Yever, a Myanmar business consultancy.

Mini Pwint Thit Sa is targetted at large and medium-sized enterprises who are not included in the main Pwint Thit Sa report, but who want to volunteer to be benchmarked.

The 2015 Pwint Thit Sa/TiME report was published on July 20th 2015. The report showed that the companies that performed best in 2014 continued to be the most transparent in 2015.