2015 Pwint Thit Sa - Pwint Thit Sa (TiME) Report
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2015 Pwint Thit Sa

This study compares the websites of 100 of the largest Myanmar companies. The aim of the report is to encourage increased transparency by Myanmar businesses.
This study compares the websites of 100 of the largest Myanmar companies. The aim of the report is to encourage increased transparency by Myanmar businesses.

The 2015 Pwint Thit Sa/TiME report was published in July 2015. The report showed that the companies that performed best in 2014 continued to be the most transparent in 2015, and all of them had increased the amount of information they made available to the public.

2015 Pwint Thit Sa Report (English and Burmese)
Document PDF, 3250 downloads, 20 July, 2015

The 2015 report showed that the most transparent large Myanmar company was Serge Pun and Associates (SPA) (9th in 2014), followed very closely by Max Myanmar (3rd in 2014), with KBZ (1st in 2014) coming in third place. Amongst the leading companies, new areas of disclosure were publication of actual financial data including taxes, and environmental and social impact assessments. However 39 of the 100 companies surveyed have no website, and score zero in the survey. Around 40 more companies who have group or subsidiary websites publish little or no corporate governance and sustainability information.

The 2015 Pwint Thit Sa/TiME report added several new features to the 2014 report. It made recommendations about increasing company transparency, which were directed not only at Myanmar companies but also institutional investors, civil society, the media, and the Government and 2016 Parliament (particularly concerning the revisions to the Myanmar Companies Act and Myanmar Investment Law). Also for the first time, MCRB systematically sought feedback from the public, including civil society organizations, about specific grievances that they have with the companies’ operations.

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