2016 Pwint Thit Sa - Pwint Thit Sa (TiME) Report
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2016 Pwint Thit Sa

The third annual Pwint Thit Sa report was published in September 2016.
The third annual Pwint Thit Sa report was published in September 2016.

The third Pwint Thit Sa report was published in September 2016.

The 2016 report surveys the websites of 100 of Myanmar’s largest companies and rates each one based on the information provided on the company’s official website or social media pages.

It uses 35 questions to cover subjects including anti-corruption, organizational transparency, human rights, and health, safety and the environment.

2016 Pwint Thit Sa Report (English)
Document PDF, 4866 downloads, 16 September, 2016
2016 Pwint Thit Sa Report (Myanmar)
Document PDF, 1757 downloads, 16 September, 2016

Following this research, companies were invited to comment on MCRB’s initial findings. They ere also encouraged to publish more information or adopt and implement relevant policies where they do not already have them prior to publication of the final report.

MCRB will also publish a ‘Mini’ Pwint Thit Sa alongside the 2016 report. The new addition is targeted at large medium-sized enterprises who are not included in the main report but who volunteer to be benchmarked.

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