Business and Human Rights Resource Centre

In July 2014, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launched its multi-lingual, re-designed website. The site shines a spotlight on the human rights conduct of over 10,000 companies in over 180 countries, making informational publicly available: it includes advances they are making, allegations of human rights abuse, and how they are responding to concerns.
Key new features include:
Full navigation and homepages in seven languages: Arabic, Chinese (Traditional, Simplified), English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish
“Big Issue” areas on topics ranging from information technology and human rights, to the UN Guiding Principles and calls for a binding international treaty
A searchable record of over 6,000 approaches to companies, inviting them to respond to allegations of human rights abuse (with a global response rate of 60%)
Commentary and blog posts by BHR’s global team, and easily-accessible regional and sector-specific briefing papers
An effective search so users can get quickly to what they need.
Access the website:
Company Pages and Company Dashboards
BHRRC’s Company Pages and Company Dashboards are updated on an ongoing basis and the Resource Centre digital platform stores news and allegations relating to the human rights impact of over 20,000 companies. Depending on the availability of data, this ranges from a handful of articles to over a decade of news stories, civil society reports and company disclosure.
Additionally, in certain instances when an allegation of misconduct has been raised against a company, and there were no evidence of a public response to the concerns, the company may be invited to respond as part of the Company Response Mechanism. When BHR do so, BHR will always publish any response received from the company in full.
As of September 2021, the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre has reached out to more than 100 companies from various sectors in Myanmar, and more than 300 responses and non-responses have been recorded to. The record of responses and non-responses is available here.