Handbook for Employers on Employing Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar - Useful Resources
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Handbook for Employers on Employing Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar

The handbook is a joint initiative between MCRB and the Association for Aid and Relief - Japan (AAR Japan) and it is made available in English and Burmese.
The handbook is a joint initiative between MCRB and the Association for Aid and Relief - Japan (AAR Japan) and it is made available in English and Burmese.

This handbook aims to give practical advice for employers in Myanmar on how to create accessible employment opportunities and increase recruitment and job retention for persons with disabilities.

Handbook: Employing Persons with Disabilities (EN)
Document PDF, 5951 downloads, 15 October, 2024

The Handbook was originally a joint initiative by the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) and the Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan), and part of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Partnership Program in Myanmar with the support of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and Myanmar Federation of Persons with Disabilities. It was updated by MCRB in 2024.

It was launched in Naypyidaw at the ceremony to mark the 2018 International Day of Persons with Disabilities whose theme this year is ‘Empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality’. The ceremony was addressed by from Vice-President-2 U Henry Van Thio, the Chairman of the National Committee for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities who also provided a foreword for the Handbook. Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye, the Vice-Chairman-1 of the National Committee for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities also provided an introduction.

The handbook covers demographic information about persons with disabilities in Myanmar; examples of discrimination against persons with disabilities in the workplace; the Myanmar legal framework protecting persons with disabilities and promoting their participation in society; terms, definitions, and communication about disability; success stories from persons with disabilities; tips and advice for employers; and contacts and sources of more information to build links between disability organisations and potential employers.

MCRB and the ILO co-hosted a multistakeholder workshop on promoting employment opportunities for people with disabilities in November 2017. MCRB, AAR Japan and the ILO organised a second workshop in March 2019.

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