Oil & Gas Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA) - Sectors
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Oil & Gas Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA)

The Oil & Gas Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA) is intended to support responsible business practices in this growing sector of Myanmar’s economy.
The Oil & Gas Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA) is intended to support responsible business practices in this growing sector of Myanmar’s economy.

The Oil & Gas Sector-Wide Impact Assessment (SWIA), developed by the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) in partnership with its co-founders, the Institute of Human Rights and Business and the Danish Institute of Human Rights, is intended to support responsible business practices in this growing sector of Myanmar’s economy.

Myanmar Oil and Gas SWIA: Complete Report (234 pages/6.4mb)
Document PDF, 11228 downloads, 04 September, 2014

It was published in September 2014 following extensive research and consultation.

The launch press release and March 2014 consultation documents are also available.

MCRB has also published a briefing paper on CSOs and extractive industries in Myanmar to support meaningful engagement between companies and CSOs within the oil, gas and mining sector.

Drawing on the findings of the SWIA, MCRB has spoken at a number of events, and organised and participated in multistakeholder workshops with business, government and civil society to promote dialogue to encourage responsible business practice in the sector.

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