Tag corruption and business integrity - Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)
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Articles tagged as corruption and business integrity

6 articles found with this tag.

Handbook on Business Integrity for Myanmar Businesses

MCRB has published ‘Business Integrity: A Handbook for Myanmar Businesses’, a guide intended to help owners and managers of businesses in Myanmar who want to resist corrupt practices and reduce exposure to the risks that corruption creates.

IFC Family Business Governance Handbook (Burmese translation)

This handbook is a concise and practical description of essential family business governance components and suggested approaches to resolving common family business governance dilemmas.

Good Governance Toolkit for Myanmar Businesses: A Handbook for Resisting Corruption and Working with Integrity

A “Good Governance Toolkit” in Burmese and English is intended to help owners and managers of businesses in Myanmar reduce the risks of corruption.

Myanmar Business Coalition on Aid

MBCA is a partner of MCRB, working with SMEs at a subnational level to promote responsible business.



in Useful Resources

Spectrum is an information-sharing network that seeks to connect with government, business and local communities to inform, empower and educate.

Transparency International’s Business Principles for Countering Bribery - Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Edition (Burmese)

This guide covers model anti-bribery principles for SMEs and provides practical guidance for developing anti-bribery programmes that suit their size and structure.

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