Tag disability and business - Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)
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disability and business

12 resources:

Video on Disability from I Am Me

The I Am Me initiative has worked with Myanmar disability rights groups and Sin Sar Bar creative communications agency to create a video in which persons with disabilities explain how they want to be treated.

Handbook for Employers on Employing Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar

This handbook aims to give practical advice for employers in Myanmar on how to create accessible employment opportunities and increase recruitment and job retention for persons with disabilities.

MCRB Promotes the Third Networking Event by MSMEs Led/Involved by Persons With Disabilities

On 24 June 2022, MCRB, Shwe Minn Tha Foundation (Myanmar) and the Myanmar Independent Living Initiative (MILI), co-hosted the third online panel discussion on the topic “Realistic and Decent Work Opportunities for Person with Disability (PwD) led/involved

Employment of Persons With Disabilities, and Quotas – What Makes Sense For Myanmar?

On 15 February, MCRB, together with AAR Japan, and Japan Heart, held an orientation discussion based on MCRB/AAR Japan’s policy options paper (EN and MM) at Rose Garden Hotel...

‘Quotas’ for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities – Open Invitation for Comment

MCRB and AAR Japan have prepared a Policy Options paper with suggestions on how to give effect to Chapter 10 (Employment) of the 2015 Law concerning the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

More and More Businesses in Myanmar are Hiring Persons with Disabilities

In advance of the International Day of People with Disabilities, Vicky Bowman, Director of MCRB, congratulated the increasing number of businesses in Myanmar who are employing people with disabilities because they recognise it makes good business sense.

Second Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Promoting Employment Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities

The workshop was part of a joint action on responsible supply chains in six countries in Asia, including Myanmar, to promote responsible business conduct (RBC) with regard to decent work, environmental sustainability and respect for human rights.

Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on Promoting Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities

MCRB and the International Labour Organization co-hosted a multi-stakeholder workshop on Promoting Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities (PWDs) on 21 November, 2017 at Rose Garden Hotel, Yangon.

MCRB Invites Comments on its Draft Strategy on Disability Rights and Business

MCRB has put together a draft strategy for promoting disability-confident and inclusive business in Myanmar in the 2016-18 period.

Business Disability International (BDI)

BDI is a unique global business consortium galvanising the power of multinational organisations to build a more successful, productive, efficient and inclusive future for business and disabled people.

DRC and MCRB Publish New Guide on CSR and Disability for Companies in Myanmar

The Deaf Resources Centre (DRC) and Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) have published a guide on Corporate Social Responsibility and Disability’ (CSR-D) in English and Myanmar languages.

Responsible Business and Disability

Vicky Bowman made a presentation about responsible business and disability to the Experience Sharing Workshop on Disability Inclusive Business in Mekong Countries on 20/21 March.

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