Tag labour rights - Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)
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labour rights

5 resources:

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

in Useful Resources

These factsheets were compiled for the use of the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) sector-wide impact assessment (SWIA) research teams, but may be of wider use in understanding the human rights risks involved in particular business issues.

Freedom of Association Guidelines

Guidelines on Freedom of Association (FoA) in English, Chinese and Myanmar, which aim to operationalise and contextualise what FoA means in Myanmar, based on international standards and the Myanmar legal framework.

ILO Summary of Myanmar Labour Law

This Guide brings together many of the sources of Myanmar labour law in a single, user-friendly guide.

Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity

A set of principles for the responsible recruitment and employment of migrant workers.

MCRB Supports Local Labour Rights Group in Garment Factory Survey

Action Labor Rights today launched ‘Under Pressure’, a report on labour conditions in a number of garment factories which are either wholly Korean owned or joint-ventures with Korean companies.

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