Tag oil palm resources - Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)
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Articles tagged as oil palm resources

4 articles found with this tag.

MCRB submits comments to Amyotha Hluttaw Agricultural Committee

MCRB has submitted a set of comments to the Amyotha Hluttaw Agriculture, Livestock Breeding and Fishery Development Committee in response to their Enquiry into Agricultural Chemical Residues (see below in English and Myanmar languages).

Briefing Paper on Biodiversity, Human Rights and Business

MCRB has published a briefing paper intended to help business, civil society and government, particularly regulators, understand how some types of investment in Myanmar can negatively impact biodiversity and and thereby affect human rights.

Oil Palm Sector Wide Impact Assessment

MCRB has commenced work on an assessment of actual and potential environmental, social and human rights impacts of the oil palm sector in Myanmar.



in Useful Resources

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